We urge our customers to take their amp to an authorized service center if it is in need of a repair.

All authorized Quilter service centers can be found on our service center map. Click here for our service center map and to locate the closest service center to your area. 

Once you've located the closest one to your area, click on the pin and info regarding the service center will appear to the left of the map.

Most of our service centers should offer a mail-in option for your amp. This way you can locate the one closest to your area and send it to them.

(Note: If viewing the map on your cell phone, you'll have to tilt your phone horizontally to use it.)

ADDITIONAL NOTEAuthorized service centers are only experienced with working on Quilter amps. Repairs for all Neunaber pedals should be sent to us directly. Please contact us if your pedal is in need of a repair.